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ECMgo is the specially designed e-learning platform  for ECM Providers.
No investment in hardware or development.  
A ready-made service, directly in the cloud.

With many years of experience gained in the field of ECM FAD training, dating back to the early 2000s, Abaco Technology has developed its own e-learning platform specifically designed for the provision of ECM FAD training.


The platform is based on an implementation of the famous Moodle e-learning software, which has provided us with the solid and proven starting point.


Through the development of a series of dedicated modules, we have created a platform complete with all the necessary functionalities for the management of an ECM FAD course.


A ready and tested platform available, with no development or infrastructure worries.


A monthly fee, no initial investment.


The solidity and completeness of Moodle: mature functionality,  modularity and stability.


The experience of those who perfectly know the work of the ECM Provider.


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Additional features included with the activation of the Seenkit module

User registration and profile management according to AGENAS standards.


Learning paths responding to the ECM regulation.


Issue of certificates online.


Optimized reporting system for use in the ECM environment.


Final report generation for sending to AGENAS.




Allow teachers to independently record lessons directly on the platform.


Publish the lessons recorded within the courses in a few clicks even in SCORM mode.


Create interactive courses where even participants can record and publish presentations.

Registration and user profile

The profile registration and management system provides the fields necessary for the correct management of AGENAS practices:


  • Profession

  • Specializations

  • Professional types

  • Order and registration number


The registration form is customizable by adding any kind of field.

User registration

For each course it is possible to set the desired access criteria:


  • Access with a fee

  • Free access

  • Access by code


The system automatically checks the correspondence of the user's professional profile with the course accreditation data (professions and disciplines).

Access code management

Complete functionality for creating and managing access codes:


  • Immediate creation

  • Tag association for campaigns or sponsors

  • Possibility to use unique codes or the same code

  • Download detailed report of the use of codes

User progress control

Checking the progress of users in courses is simple and immediate.


Visual summaries and download of detailed data allow a precise and detailed control

User management

The management of users, groups and  privileges within individual courses, or for the entire platform, gives you full control.


Predefined roles such as "Teacher", "Manager" or "Participant" can be modified or integrated  to satisfy any need to manage access or enrollment in courses.

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